Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Immersive Development in games

In the short space of time video games have been part of the entertainment industry, they have progressed rapidly in terms of the quality of their graphics. This has enabled game makers to create as immersive an experience as possible. The appearance of game environments has improved dramatically, but the early version of some games like Silent Hill were still extremely immersive, even without the impressive graphics we are used to today. The sense of fear in Silent Hill 1 might even be heightened by the poor graphics, giving a sense of the uncanny to the game experience.

Image result for daggerfall
Elder Scrolls Daggerfall - 1996
Image result for skyrim
Elder Scrolls V Skyrim- 2011
Image result for silent hill 1
Silent Hill 1999
Image result for silent hill pt
Silent Hill P.T 2014

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