Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Environmental storytelling: Theme parks and video games

Through my research, i have discovered articles linking the idea of 3D game environment design and the theme park industry. Don Carson, who worked as an imagineer for Disney parks and as a designer for many other theme parks, wrote an article detailing the links between the idea of environmental storytelling in these parks and in game environments. In his article, he writes about how "In many respects, it is the physical space that does much of the work of conveying the story the designers are trying to tell. Color, lighting and even the texture of a place can fill an audience with excitement or dread." I find this idea of linking two seemingly unrelated industries together very interesting, and think it will be useful to illustrate the importance of environmental storytelling in game environments in my essay. Below are some examples of how environmental storytelling is used within Disney theme parks in order to make us believe we are visiting somewhere otherwise off limits to us.
Image result for epcot disney
Disney Epcot Mexican Pavilion

Image result for tomorrowland disney
Tomorrowland Disneyland
Frontierland Disneyland

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