Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Study Task 4

In my essay I intend to ask the question of "Why is stop motion so effective as a horror medium." So far i have researched the roots of the horror genre in general, but am changing this research to more suit the topic of stop-motion horror. So far i have found out that quite a few people agree that stop-motion is creepy, and have found articles which make it clearer to me why and present others viewpoints. Among these are the fact that stop-motion is essentially reanimating objects which shouldnt be moving to begin with. I also have researched about the theory of the uncanny and how this might be applied to stop-motion animation and why it is unnerving. Below are some of my references and what i intend to research further.
-Ladislas Starevich
-roots of horror genre- english gothic novels- frankenstein, dracula etc
-nosferatu, the cabinet of dr caligari
-german expressionism
- horror cinema becoming prevalent in the 70s- King, The exorcist
-stop motion in live action horror
-why is horror such a popular genre
-ray harryhausen
-the uncanny
-visceral feelings

animations- the Sandman, Coraline, alice, the thing, it

Horror Film Aesthetics: Creating the Visual Language of Fear

By Thomas M. Sipos

Horror cinema book

Why Horror Seduces

By Mathias Clasen

The Uncanny Valley in Games and Animation by Angela Tinwell

Image result for ladislas starevich the cameraman's revenge
Image result for alice jan svankmajer

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