Thursday, October 20, 2016

OUAN401- History of the Image lecture

History of the Image

In this lecture with Richard we were introduced to the visual communication of art throughout history. We began by talking about prehistoric cave paintings on walls and how drastically art has changed over such a long period of time. We discussed artists such as Rothko, and how emotions are connected to art, or how we are expected to react to different artists work. I found this all very interesting, if a little hard to get my head around. Richard then discussed how modern art has been affected by consumerism and reproductions  of the original work, for example how widely spread the image of the Mona Lisa is now in the digital age, and how it takes value away from the actual work itself and is purely for profit. This lecture opened my mind to the way art can be perceived, from cave paintings to modern art that may not be seen as 'real art' but means a lot to the artist who created it.

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