Friday, December 2, 2016

Triangulation and referencing context research

To introduce my first essay I have been researching the author of 'The Uses of enchantment," Bruno Bettelheim. I have found some interesting context on the author that I think is helpful to keep in mind when analysing his quote. Bettelheim received alot of criticism, particularly after his death, from former students at the University of Chicago where he was director. These claimed emotional, physical and even sexual abuse. Apparently he also hired young and untrained staff on purpose, with one counselor recalling; "I didnt know a thing about mentally disturbed children. I think he hired us because he didnt want staff with its own ideas, people who had been trained by someone else." There are also acusations that he plagiarised alot of 'the uses of enchantment' and claimed false academic credentials. None of this disproves his theory that fairy tales are beneficial to children, but i think its interesting and important to keep in mind while reading and analysing his work, as his opinions may be quite biased.

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