Thursday, November 10, 2016

History of Type Part 2

In part two of Fred's lecture we were introduced to post modernism within type, beginning with the Bauhaus movement in the 1920s. I found this part of the lecture interesting, particularly the concept that "form follows function." This concept was key in developing the fonts we know today, and also in the birth of graphic design. During the Bauhaus movement all different areas of creative practice - such as theatre, fashion, interior design etc all came together. 
We also learned about the origins of fonts such as Helvetica and Arial. Helvetica was developed first and has survived so long because of its clean and basic style. The font represents the epitome of 20th Century Graphic Design. We also discussed the Comic Sans font in this lecture. It is supposedly easier for people with Dyslexia to understand, and while I dont hate it, I would say it should be used only in certain settings- and definitely not nay that are very important. The most interesting part of the lecture for me was when Fred discussed how the way we express type has almost come full circle- comparing the modern day emoji to cave paintings found in prehistoric times, both of which are used to convey meaning through an image.

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